Air Liquide Medical Systems Pvt. Ltd

SivaKumar,Sr. Vice President - Sales & Marketing

Medical device industry in India is a technology driven game. The Indian R&D closely collaborates with our international team to perfect the methods of producing a reliable ventilator.

1. What is the strategy of Air Liquide Medical Systems Pvt. Ltd. (ALMS), in choosing India for manufacturing medical ventilators?

• Be The local recognized player in Ventilation 
          •    by serving the Indian market with local products with high quality standards ( CE certification)
          •    while transferring technologies from Europe (respond to Make in India Program)

• Use local resources ( quality of Indian educational system)

• Finally utilize India to develop entry level ventilators and accessories serving the world

2. It is 7 years of manufacturing for Air Liquide Medical Systems in India. How did the investment and production scale-up so far?

The Medical Device Industry does not require huge capital. It is a technology driven game. India has talented software professionals and medical personnel. The close co-operation between the medical professionals and technologists are the keys to scale up the Medical Device Industry.

ALMS India has a rich experience of the Ventilator technology and the need for quality equipments generate enough potential to scale up the market.

3. What helped ALMS gain on domestic market especially at a time when flow of foreign money is on the rise in India?

Our long term presence, commitment and perseverance

4. The first CE marked ventilator manufactured in India, Orion G was launched in the presence of the Ambassador of France in India, H.E. François Richier. What is the company's stance on R&D and product pipeline?

The Indian R&D closely collaborates with our international team to perfect the methods of producing a reliable ventilator. Our focus on Ventilator along with the International expertise for producing a CE marked ventilator in India. R&D is the continuous process to perfect the software and to transfer from Lab to Benches for manufacturing and for servicing the product in the field.

Initially ALMS India produces the accessories like Air Supply Unit and Humidifier.Later on it was expanded to Orion G ventilator to bring a high technology ventilator with CE certification.

5. The healthcare business of Air Liquide is expected to reach 5 to $6 billion in 5 years. What could this mean for key players in Indian healthcare market?

Access to new technologies coming from Europe as eHealth solutions to cover the full patient pathway from Hospital to Home

6. How does Air Liquide Medical operate to produce affordable and qualitative products while tapping into the pulse of India's demographic trends?

Transfering the right technology from Europe and using it to respond to local specific needs

7. What are the competitive advantages for Air Liquide Medical when it comes to manufacturing products in India for International markets?

Offering the best value and quality

8. It is a long journey as the Director of Electrocare to Vice President (Sales & Marketing) with Air Liquide Medical. How did the demand for healthcare products transform in developing economies over the period?

As a Director of Electrocare from Start up to talented network of Health care professionals to offer after sales service for the ventilators was a challenge in 90s. We at Electrocare realized to compete in the market along with other multi nationals Electrocare requires technology.

The Health care required value for money product which should be reliable and technologically updated devices for treating the patients.

The demand of the Health care is always simple. It should work perfectly when the patient requires it, in case it fails there should be a reliable mechanism to put back in order at the shortest time.

The patient on Ventilator requires a reliable product and the challenge before us was to produce a quality product at the affordable prices.

The right level of technology makes it possible.

9. What is your style of executing cutting edge projects for delivering excellence?

Sharing expertise among our international team